Usher Ministry

Too busy? Too young? too old? Nonsense! There’s an opportunity for everyone to serve, regardless of whatever circumstances you think may be preventing you from helping out or getting involved…

Ushering is a great way to get involved at St. Louise de Marillac. it is an opportunity to serve God by serving His people and is a marvelous way to actively and faithfully participate in the functioning of our parish family. Ushering is a wonderful way for one to begin to grow in faith.

We are in NEED of more ushers for our weekend Masses, particularly our 5:30 pm Saturday evening Vigil Mass and our 5:00 pm Sunday evening Mass.

In general, the Ushers would be responsible for greeting and welcoming parishioners as they enter the church, help them find seats, taking up the collection, distributing the Bulletin and wishing everyone a good day at the conclusion of the Eucharistic Celebration.

“On the job training” is provided by working alongside experienced Ushers. Usher volunteers can find a commitment that works to their individualized schedules. We encourage you to serve with a team tat the Mass time you already attend!

The Usher Ministry at St. Louise de Marillac is open to all men, women, couples, youth that are 16 years old or older, young adults and seniors.

If you you feel called to serve your parish through this ministry, please let one of the ushers know at that Mass or contact Ron T. LasMarias at 818.653.5191 or at to start sharing your time and talent with your faith community.

Thank you for your interest in volunteering to be an usher at St.Louise de Marillac!