The California Catechist Certificate is awarded to those candidates for certification who successfully complete a program of formation approved by the Archdiocesan Office of Religious Education and designed for the particular purpose of basic catechist formation. Catechists are certified for a period of three years, and are expected to participate in ongoing formation to maintain and renew their certification.
Formation opportunities take place throughout the year at Ministry. Formation Centers which are organized in local parishes across the five pastoral regions of the Archdiocese.
The Office of Religious Education has devised a program of formation comprised of three distinct steps, or phases:
1. Theology Phase 2. Specialization Phase 3. Practicum Phase
Upon completion of the process for certification, candidates are invited to be commissioned by the local ordinary as the Chief Catechist of the Archdiocese at the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels at a special Ceremony of Commissioning which usually takes place on or about the Second Sunday of September each year. Following the commissioning ceremony, newly commissioned catechists are registered as Certified Catechists in the Archdiocese and the California Catechist Certificate is issued and mailed.
St. Louise is hosting the Theology Phase for the Catechist Certification beginning August 23rd. It is highly recommended for all catechetical leaders and ministry teams including RCIA, Liturgy, Evangelization and Adult Formation Teams. Any adults interested in ongoing Faith Formation are welcome to participate.
Please see the back of the bulletin for the form and more information. Forms are also available in the Parish Office and the Faith Formation Office. For more information please call the Faith Formation Office.