Confirmation Enrollment

Dear Students & Parents,

On behalf of the Faith Formation Confirmation Team, we would like to invite all students preparing for their journey to the Sacrament of Confirmation. Registrations are now open.


Confirmation Year 1: (Includes: Bible, Supplies, Parent & Teen Retreat (Saturday), 1-day Retreat (candidate only). Available Sessions are held: Sundays 10:30 am-12 noon (attend 12 noon mass or Mondays 6:15 -8 pm.


Confirmation Year 2: (Includes: Supplies, Weekend Retreat (Friday-Sunday), Sacrament: Gown, Group Photo, and Sacrament Photo. Available Sessions are held: Sundays 10:30 am-12 noon (attend 12 noon mass or Mondays 6:15 -8 pm.

There are two sessions a month for candidates, six youth nights throughout the year, Service opportunities, a Service group project, a fundraiser, and six Catechetical parent/sponsor sessions throughout the year with our Priests and deacons or guest speakers.

Documents needed: Birth Certificate, Baptismal Certificate, and First Holy Communion Certificate.

Confirmation/Youth Ministry Coordinator:

Ivonne Melendrez 626-332-5822 ext. 405

Appointment calendar link: