Mar 5:6:30 AMEnglishEnglishENMass with Ashes8:30 AMEnglishEnglishENMass with Ashes12:00 PMEnglishEnglishENASH SERVICE ONLY6:00 PMEnglishEnglishENASH SERVICE ONLY7:30 PMEnglishEnglishENMass with Ashes
Confession Times
Wednesday:4:00 PM to 5:15 PM
Friday:7:00 PM to 8:00 PM Confessions are available during weekly Holy Hour
Did you know we have the opportunity for you to submit a photo of your loved one in active service to be displayed on one of our moni-tors in the vestibule area? Learn more!
We are excited to announce an important update to giving at st. Louise de Marillac! We are moving our online giving from Faith Direct to Pushpay which allows for a faster and simpler giving experience, including mobile and online.