Volunteers needed!

Are you being called today to serve?

Be the Mentor You Wish You Had…
Youth Ministry seeks adults/Young Adults/teens willing to help youth develop leadership skills, confidence, and understanding of their faith. Everyone can make a difference in the life of
others by sharing their gifts, talents, and treasure. Our youth need good, faithful and giving mentors; together, we can make a difference.

Available positions: Adult/Young Adults Leaders for High School and Jr. High Ministry, Teen Leaders High School and Jr. HighMinistry, Adult Chaperones.

Confirmation Year 1 & Year 2. As a Catechist, you will be making a difference in the life of those you lead to Christ one day at a time.

Positions: Adult faith sharers (18 + years), Peer leaders (Confirmed teens), Audio/Visual team: Adults and teens
Sign up is June 21, 2023 in the Youth room at 6 pm. Come and see just how this experience will change your life and faith
journey. No Experience Needed, we will be train you. Coffee and Donuts will be served.

For any questions, please contact: Ivonne Melendrez at 626-332-5822 or Ivonnem@stlouisedm.org.
**Please note: All Adults 18+ must be fingerprinted and Virtus Certified.