Ministry Training

Altar Server Training

Boys and girls, have you thought about becoming an Altar Server here at St. Louise de Marillac? You must be in the 4th grade or higher, have made your First Holy Communion, and have a desire to serve. If you are currently in the 4th Grade, this training is for you!

Training sessions will be held
Mondays, October 2nd, 9th, and 16th from 4 PM to 6 PM. Trainings are held in the Church. All future Altar Servers must attend all
training dates.

Please call the Parish Office, at (626) 915-7873 to sign up. Thank you for answering the call to serve!



Eucharistic Minister Training

Are you being called by God to serve in His Church as a
Eucharistic Minister of Holy Communion? If so, St. Louise will have a Eucharistic Minister training on Mondays, October 2nd and 9th from 7 PM to 9 PM in the Church.

You must attend both sessions. This is an open invitation for you to come with an open heart for an evening of prayer,
discerning God’s call for you. A Eucharistic Minister distributes Holy Communion at the regularly scheduled weekday and/or
weekend Masses. After an additional training, they may also assist in ministering to homebound parishioners, those in
Hospitals, and in nursing facilities.

The guidelines for this ministry:
• You must be a fully initiated Catholic (Baptized, First Holy Communion, and Confirmed).
• You must be at least 18 years of age.

Those entering into this ministry should be persons who sincerely try to live the Gospel message in their
communal and individual lives. They should faithfully participate in the
Sunday Eucharist.

If this invitation is for you, please call the Parish Office at (626) 915-7873 to reserve your space. For any questions please call the Parish Office at (626) 915-7873 or email:

Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors and Ushers are required to be
VIRTUS trained.