Health & Wholeness at Home

Hearts to Serve

Hearts to Serve, a hotline to support all of those in need
855-423-6780 from 8 am to 5 pm daily
Want to volunteer? Click here!

In the midst of the crisis due to COVID-19 (coronavirus) generating increased needs from certain segments of the community, the Office of Life, Justice and Peace of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles, in partnership with St. Vincent de Paul Society and the Knights of Columbus launched Hearts to Servea hotline in support of all those in need, especially the elderly, homebound, and pregnant women.  The joint effort answers the call of Pope Francis and of Archbishop José H. Gomez, to be missionary disciples.

“In this unprecedented time of uncertainty and sacrifice, we see wonderful acts of kindness and mercy emerging,” said Kathleen Domingo, senior director of the Archdiocese’s Office of Life, Justice and Peace. “Hearts to Serve invites Catholics from every walk of life to join an effort of prayer and service for those most in need now. Together, we can nourish our faith and offer real comfort to our brothers and sisters. When once again we are able to gather in person, our community will be stronger for it.”

Those in need of food or supplies can call the hotline at 855-423-6780 from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. A Catholic community of volunteers will be ready to help with essential needs. They will connect callers with local resources for food and other household necessities. The services that will be provided include: grocery or medicine delivery to homes, provision of food and other necessities from local food pantries to those that might not be able to afford it at this time, and guidance for additional questions that need larger answers.


Food banks, WIC, and Other Food Resources

Food Bank lists organized by SPA provided by CHIRP/LA: See attached. Those that are in the San Gabriel Valley (SPA 3) are on pages 3-4: Food Bank Guide CHIRP

WIC has temporarily expanded the foods that families can buy with their WIC card. Find the expanded list of foods in the California WIC App, as well as on the CDPH website. See the attached Word doc and more info here.

Stronger Families Blog’s COVID-19 resources post has a section on Benefits: Medi-Cal, CalFresh, CalWORKs, Unemployment, WIC and Food Resources.

First 5 LA’s page of family food resources


Food Research & Action Center (FRAC)’s resources can help you help families:


Mental Health Mondays
Every Monday from 5 pm – 6:30 pm, Mental Health Mondays are an opportunity to assist each other in Getting Through the Storm and Overcoming Life’s Challenges, to be enCOURAGEd in the tough times, and to discuss healthy coping and/or share about what we are doing to deal with the strains/stressors, hardship, and new realities we’ve endured. 

Register at



Feel Good Fridays and Coffee for the Soul: Zoom Groups for Teens and Parents
Positive Pomona (P3) and National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence (NCADD) will be hosting Zoom Groups every week with teens (Feel Good Fridays) and parents (Coffee for the Soul). These sessions are open to all parents and teens in middle and high-school.

Feel Good Friday (Every Friday until May 1 with NCADD from 4-5pm)
Visit the link to RSVP:

Coffee for the Soul (Every Tuesday until April 28 with P3 at 5pm)
Visit the link to RSVP:
Join Zoom Meeting: