VIRTUS Training

VIRTUS® “Protecting God’s Children” is a three-hour training for adults which teaches the five basic steps of child sexual abuse prevention. This program is mandated for all adults who work with or around children or youth on a regular basis.

Tuesday, June 25th, 2019 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm (3-hour course) St. Louise de Marillac Conference Room Register in the Parish Office or call (626) 915-7873

Keeping the Promise Alive, Recertification Four years from the date of completing “Protecting God’s Children” you must attend “Keeping the Promise Alive” which provides ongoing awareness for the prevention of child sexual abuse.

Thursday, June 27, 2019 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm (1 hr. 30 min course) St. Louise de Marillac Conference Room Register in the Parish Office or call (626) 915-7873.

This session is open to members of other parishes and schools but you must call to reserve a place. Attention: Participants must arrive on time in order to be admitted to the session. All participants in Protecting God’s Children and Keeping the Promise Alive must be 18 or older/no minors even with parents.

Live Scan Fingerprinting

Volunteers for St. Louise de Marillac School, Faith Formation or any event that involves children need to be fingerprinted. The following is a list of churches that will have fingerprinting at their location. Please call and make an appointment.

Thursday, June 13th St. Rita School 322 North Baldwin Avenue Sierra Madre, 91024 (626) 355-1292

Friday, June 28th St. Martha Church 444 N. Azusa Avenue, Room 11 Valinda, 91744 (626) 324-3968

Saturday, July 6th St. Martha Church 444 N. Azusa Avenue, Room 11 Valinda, 91744 (626) 324-3968